Why are my teeth suddenly decaying?

Nov 10, 2022
Why are my teeth suddenly decaying?

Why are my teeth suddenly decaying?

Cavities are tiny holes or openings in the hard surface of your teeth that are eternally damaged. Cavities, also known as tooth decay or caries, are brought on by a number of things, including oral bacteria, frequent eating, consuming sugary beverages, and inadequate tooth cleaning.

One of the most prevalent health issues worldwide is dental decay, which includes cavities. Particularly prevalent among kids, teenagers, and elderly people. However, cavities can affect everyone who has teeth, even young children.

If left untreated, cavities get larger and harm your teeth's deeper layers. They may result in tooth loss, an infection, and excruciating dental pain. Your best defence against cavities and tooth decay is systematic dental appointments and good brushing and flossing practices.



Depending on the size and location of the cavity, there are different signs and symptoms. You might not have any symptoms at all while a cavity is just getting started. As the degradation spreads, it may result in the following signs and symptoms:

Toothache, sudden pain, or pain that develops for no clear reason

  • sensitive teeth
  •           When eating or drinking anything sweet, hot, or cold, there may be mild to severe pain.
  •           Your teeth have any obvious divots or pits
  •          A brown, black, or white stain on any tooth surface.
  •           When you bite down, it hurts


When to go to the dentist

A cavity could be developing without your knowledge. Even when your mouth feels fine, it's still necessary to undergo regular dental exams and cleanings. However, if you have tooth pain, schedule an appointment with your dentist right away.



Tooth decay, a gradual process, is what leads to cavities. Here is how dental degeneration progresses:

  1. a) Plaque develops -

Your teeth are covered in a transparent, corrosive layer called dental plaque. It results from eating a lot of carbohydrates and starches and neglecting to properly brush your teeth. When carbohydrates and sugars aren't removed from your teeth, bacteria start to feed on them and plaque is soon formed. Tartar is created when plaque that remains on your teeth hardens beneath or above your gum line (calculus). Tartar acts as a barrier for germs and makes plaque removal more challenging.


  1. b)  Plaque assaults -

The minerals in the hard, outer enamel of your tooth are removed by the acids in plaque. Cavities start as microscopic openings or holes in the enamel brought on by this degradation. The germs and acid can reach the dentin, the next layer of your teeth, if portions of the enamel have been worn away. Compared to enamel, this layer is softer and less acid resistant. Sensitivity is brought on by small tubes in the dentin that connect directly to the tooth's nerve.


  1. c) The destruction goes on

The bacteria and acid that cause tooth decay keep migrating along the inner tooth material (pulp), which is home to nerves and blood vessels, as tooth decay progresses. The bacteria causes swelling and irritation of the pulp. Inside a tooth, there is nowhere for the swelling to grow, thus the nerve is squeezed and hurts as a result. Even the bone outside the tooth root may experience discomfort.

 Risk Aspects

Everyone who has teeth is susceptible to developing cavities, but the following things can make it more likely:

  • 1.     dental position. Your back teeth are more susceptible to decay (molars and premolars). These teeth feature several roots, pits, and crannies as well as numerous grooves that can catch food debris. They are therefore more difficult to maintain than your front teeth, which are smoother and easier to access.
  • 2.     Specific foods and beverages. Those that stick to your teeth for a long period, such dry cereal, chips, milk, ice cream, honey, sugar, soda, dried fruit, hard candies, and mints, are more likely to rot your teeth than foods that are quickly removed by saliva.
  • 3.     Regular snacking or drinking. Consistently snacking or consuming sugary beverages encourages oral bacteria to create acids that damage and erode your teeth. Additionally, drinking soda or other acidic beverages all day long contributes to the continuous acid bath that forms on your teeth.
  • 4.     Infant feeding during night. When milk, formula, juice, or other sugar-containing liquids are placed in baby bottles at bedtime, the liquids stay on the baby's teeth for hours while they sleep, feeding bacteria that causes tooth rot. This harm is frequently referred to as baby bottle tooth rot. When children wander around consuming these beverages from a sippy cup, same harm may result.
  • 5.     Unsatisfactory brushing. Plaque builds quickly on the teeth after eating and drinking, and the early stages of decay might start if you don't brush them right away.
  • 6.     getting insufficient fluoride. Fluoride, a mineral that occurs naturally, aids in the prevention of cavities and can even repair minor tooth damage. Fluoride is added to many public water systems due of its benefits for teeth. In addition, it is frequently found in toothpaste and mouthwash. But fluoride is typically absent from bottled water.
  • 7.     older or younger. Cavities are frequent in young toddlers and teenagers in the United States. Also more at risk are older folks. When gums and teeth deteriorate over time, teeth become more susceptible to root decay. Additionally, older people may take more drugs that inhibit saliva production, raising the risk of tooth decay.
  • 8.     mouth arid Saliva helps prevent dental decay by washing away food and plaque from your teeth, which is why dry mouth is brought on by a lack of it. Salivary substances also work to neutralize the acid that bacteria create. By lowering saliva production, some prescription treatments, medical conditions, radiation to the head or neck, and chemotherapy therapies can raise your risk of cavities.
  • 9.     worn-out dental implants or equipment. Dental fillings may become brittle, start to degrade, or form jagged edges over time. Plaque might accumulate more readily as a result, which makes it more challenging to remove. Dental appliances that no longer fit properly can start to deteriorate.
  • 10  Heartburn. Stomach acid can reflux into your mouth as a result of heartburn or gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), eroding away your teeth's enamel and seriously harming your teeth. By exposing more of the dentin to bacterial attack, this increases the risk of tooth decay. Your dentist could advise you to see a doctor to determine whether your enamel loss is being caused by stomach reflux.
  • 11.    eating problems. Significant teeth erosion and cavities can result from anorexia and bulimia. Purging causes stomach acid to repeatedly wash over the teeth, eroding the enamel. Saliva production might also be hampered by eating problems.


Prevent the occurrence

You can prevent cavities and tooth decay by maintaining good oral and dental hygiene. Here are some recommendations for avoiding cavities. Ask your dentist which advice is most appropriate for you.

  • 1        Fluoride toothpaste should be used after eating or drinking. Ideally, you should brush your teeth after each meal and at least twice a day if possible. Use floss or an interdental cleaner to clean in between your teeth.
  • 2.    Wash your mouth out. Your dentist could suggest using a fluoride-containing mouthwash if they believe you have a high risk of getting cavities.
  • 3.     Go to the dentist frequently. Regular oral examinations and expert teeth cleanings might help you avoid problems or identify them early. Your dentist can advise you on the optimal schedule.
  • 4.     Think about dental sealants. A protective plastic covering known as a sealant is put to the chewing surface of back teeth. It blocks off nooks and crevices where food tends to gather, shielding tooth enamel from acid and plaque. All children who are of school age should get sealants, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Sealants should be tested frequently and may last for several years before needing to be changed.
  • 5.     water from the tap, please. Fluoride has been added to the majority of public water systems, which can greatly prevent tooth decay. You won't receive the benefits of fluoride if you solely consume bottled water that is fluoride-free.
  • 6.     Don't eat or drink frequently. Your mouth bacteria produce acids that can erode tooth enamel whenever you eat food or consume liquids other than water. Your teeth are always being attacked if you snack or drink throughout the day.
  • 7.     Foods that are good for your teeth should be consumed. Certain meals and drinks are healthier for your teeth than others. Avoid eating things that remain in the ridges and crevices of your teeth for a long time, or brush right away. However, foods like raw fruits and vegetables and unsweetened coffee, tea, and sugar-free gum promote increased salivation and aid in the removal of food debris.
  • 8.     Think about fluoride applications. If you don't consume enough fluoride through fluoridated drinking water and other sources, your dentist may advise regular fluoride treatments. If your risk of tooth decay is really high, he or she might also suggest special trays that fit over your teeth for the application of prescription fluoride.
  • 9.     Check out the antibacterial remedies. Your dentist may suggest certain antibacterial mouth rinses or other treatments to help reduce the amount of harmful bacteria in your mouth if you are particularly susceptible to tooth decay, such as because of a medical condition.

  • 10. Combination therapies. The risk of cavities can be decreased by chewing xylitol-based gum, taking prescription fluoride, and using an antibacterial rinse.


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